Interesting stuff we’re doing.

Fire tshirts are so hot right now

Fire tshirts are so hot right now

With what is already the worst wildfire season in the history of Colorado only a few weeks old, efforts to show support for firefighters, relief efforts, and agencies that spend time, money, and personnel to deal with the fires are in full swing in Colorado. Working...

Colorado Commits launches

Colorado Commits launches

Colorado's budget is in a grim spot, and the state's schools are one of the victims of recent cuts. Colorado Commits is a campaign designed to educated citizens about not only the state of the budget and its affect on our kids (and our economy), but also to propose...

Announcing the Plain Pedaler Contest!

Announcing the Plain Pedaler Contest!

Pedal The Plains is in need of three people to carry the banner of the Plain Pedaler this summer. Plain Pedalers will get FREE ENTRY into Pedal The Plains, as well as other cycling events in Colorado. PLUS they get the opportunity to tell their stories and share their...

Personnel Reform in the works

Personnel Reform in the works

A proposal to reform the way the state of Colorado manages hiring has been moving through the works. The reform measure -- which will be presented to voters as a referendum this fall -- was just signed by the Governor on Tuesday. From the Denver Post: DENVER—Colorado...

Request for Water in the news

Onsight has been working with the Colorado Water Trust to raise awareness about a pilot water leasing program called Request for Water 2012. This program will help conserve water in Colorado through our extremely dry summer, and we've helped make sure this innovative...

Rise of the Filibuster

Rise of the Filibuster

Cool graph illustrating the rise of the filibuster in Congress in the last 100 years. A curious quirk of our legislative process, as it turns out. Part of series of fascinating political (and a myriad of other random) infographics from ILoveCharts.  

Pedal the Plains is off and running

OnSight helped organize a well-attended route announcement event at the state capitol and at Viaero headquarters in Ft. Morgan Since that launch, excitement for Pedal the Plains has been running high. Hundreds have already registered, and the press from around the...

Mr. Menard’s Kidney

Mr. Menard’s Kidney

OnSight is proud to be working with school officials, parents, and current and former students to help Andrew Menard – one of Amos Steck Elementary School’s most beloved teachers and winner of Denver Public Schools’ 2011 Distinguished Teacher Award – on an unusual and...