Welcome to the first issue of InSight, the brand-new newsletter from OnSight Public Affairs. This newsletter was created to share timely and interesting information about what we’re up to.We’re going to be sending these out on a once-monthly (give or take) basis to let you know what’s going on in OnSight’s world (as well as what cool stuff is going on in the wider world that we think you should know about).If hearing from us once a month just isn’t enough, you can keep up with our various projects and pursuits by liking our Facebook page, following us on Twitter, and by keeping up with our InSight Blog.
If you’d like to receive this newsletter, please subscribe now—we hope you’ll stay and catch up with us.
Talk to you soon!
Mike, Ben, Jordan, Anne, and Abby
Insight from OnSight

Just Plain Fun
The 2nd annual Pedal The Plains bicycle tour features the wide-open spaces and star-filled nights of Southeastern Colorado; a region rich in history and full of hidden treasures. Join PTP this fall as we roam the vast beautiful grasslands; learn about the Sand Creek Massacre and Camp Amache; visit Bent’s Old Fort and the Santa
Best Thing on the Internet
We spend an indecent amount of time scouring the internet for interesting stuff people are doing with social media. It’s fun, and it keeps us on top of emerging trends and innovative ways to use the technology that has wormed its way into just about every corner of our lives. While a lot of what
It’s About Time
After years of hard work — including a dramatic showdown at the end of last years’ legislative session — a civil unions bill has finally passed the Colorado State Legislature. Despite contentious debate, the bill ultimately garnered bi-partisan support in the state house, with all Democrats and two Republicans voting in favor. The bill will
Happy Trails, George!
George Merritt, who covered John Hickenlooper’s mayoral run as a rookie reporter for the Denver Post and later served as his campaign spokesman when Hickenlooper ran for governor, is leaving Colorado.
This Craigslist ad is the very best thing that was on the internet in April.