As we hit yet another end-of-month fundraising deadline and our inboxes fill up with appeals from campaigns large and small, McSweeneys Internet Tendency wonders what it would be like if we utilized that urgency and intensity in our everyday communications.

TO: Evan
FROM: The Mom Team
SUBJECT: Just one coffee


We all want to change a person’s life for the better. Now you have that opportunity.

Recently, we discovered someone in desperate need of support. The Mom Team was meeting with your Auntie Jackie for coffee yesterday and she mentioned that her co-worker’s son, Andy, wants to get into the TV industry.

Andy was previously a McDonald’s All-American basketball player. That is, until he suffered a devastating knee injury. Now his career prospects are just like his ACL: torn. He’s trying to create a new path, and he needs your help.

Read the rest at McSweeney’s Internet Tendency