For a full list of projects and to learn more about the campaign, visit OurDenver2017.com |
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Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock was joined today by more than 100 community leaders and members of City Council to officially launch the Our Denver Bond campaign at Rude Park in the Sun Valley neighborhood.
If approved by voters this fall, the bond package – which won unanimous Council support earlier this summer – would fund $937 million worth of needed improvements to critical infrastructure, buildings and facilities throughout Denver.
“Investing in Denver has made this the great place that it is today,” Mayor Hancock said. “Ballot measures 2A through 2G will ensure Denver remains a great place to live by fixing and repairing the infrastructure we use every single day and making it easier to get around town. The time for these important projects is now.”
About half of the 460 bond projects would upgrade Denver’s streets, bridges, sidewalks and bike network.
“We need mobility options for everyone – and that’s what this bond package does,” said Katie McKenna, co-chair of the Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee. “It protects what we have and builds on what we need for the future. Projects that connect our city and make it a place where all of us can live, work and play and get around when we need to.”
Other projects funded by the bond package would fix and repair aging police and fire stations, parks and recreation centers, libraries, museums, theaters and the Zoo. It also would support a new outpatient care facility at Denver Health.
“For the next generation of kids in the Sun Valley, Westwood and Valverde neighborhoods – or in Five Points, Wash Park or City Park – these bond projects will create new opportunities,” City Councilman Paul Lopez said. “Throughout Denver, these projects will fix, repair and improve our infrastructure so we can keep Denver the city we’re proud to call home. We can do all of this and your tax rates will stay the same.”
The complete list of 460 projects was developed with more community input than any other bond package in city history – more than 4,000 ideas, comments and suggestions in all.
For a full list of projects and to learn more about the campaign, visit www.OurDenver2017.com.
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