Happy riders at the finish line in Yuma.

Wide open spaces, a few gusts of wind, a pedal-powered Governor and hundreds of cyclists of all ages, abilities, and spandex coverages…Pedal The Plains 2012 was a truly unique and unforgettable adventure on Colorado’s Eastern Plains.

Along for the ride was Denver’s High Noon Entertainment, who (with help from the Colorado Film School) put together an all-too-brief documentary about the experience. The film follows several teams of riders, from the experienced pro-racers Megan (one of PTP’s “Plain Pedalers“) and Katie,  who were shadowed by two strapping, corn-fed, cycling novices from the Future Farmers of America; a team of eastern plains riders of extremely diverse skill levels; and a group of troubled youth whose team leader uses cycling to provide a healthy outlet for his charges.

Narrated by Governor Hickenlooper himself, and set to a hard-rocking soundtrack, the film is a fantastic, funny, and freewheeling journey into the heart of the ride.

You can still catch the special on Altitude Sports Network:

Dec. 10, 8 p.m.
Dec. 15, 2 p.m.
Dec. 17, 3 p.m. and 1 a.m.
Dec. 18, 11 a.m.

 A wonderful job by High Noon, the intrepid narrator of the documentary, and all the Pedal The Plains organizers. What a wonderful ride!