Social Media is here to stay.
Some people pride themselves in their aversion to technology. “I don’t use Facebook” or “What is Twitter?” are statements you often hear from people that still have not gotten on board with many of these trends. The reality is that social media has become part of normal life for the majority of people, especially the majority of decision makers. Whether it is sending a photo via text or posting a link on Facebook, everyone is connected.
As with many trends, early on most people do not understand them. The nice thing is that early on you can make mistakes and still succeed in your efforts, because everyone else is making those mistakes. However things have changed, social media is still changing but a lot of aspects of it have matured. With this maturity, it is no longer enough to simply call on your son or nephew or friend to build your social media presence. You cannot simply build a Facebook page and expect that it will do anything to further your efforts.
The time has come that for results you must hire an expert to help with your social media marketing and the time is quickly approaching that social media marketing will be your principal method of getting your message across. The video below throws out some eye opening statistics about trends in social media. So the question we ask you is, “What is your social media strategy?” If you cannot answer that question with a well organized plan and vision, it is probably about time to evaluate your communications strategy as a whole. We are experts at this and here to help, Contact Us to set up a meeting to talk about your options.