The Outdoors Summit

Client: Great Outdoors Colorado & the Colorado Department of Natural Resources

Date: June 2015

Project: Working with Great Outdoors Colorado and the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, OnSight helped plan and run The Outdoors Summit, a 1-day conference of national and state leaders, advocates and visionaries launching new initiatives to protect, preserve and enhance Colorado’s great outdoors.  The Summit was an integral piece of the launch of GOCO’s Inspire Initiative, a $25 million public funding initiative to help kids get outdoors.


The Outdoors Summit was an unprecedented gathering of national and state leaders, advocates and visionaries launching new initiatives to protect, preserve and enhance Colorado’s great outdoors, and to close the widening gap between our youth and nature that threatens their future and the future of Colorado’s way of life and outdoor brand.


OnSight’s team, along with partners at GOCO and the Governor’s office, built the event’s web site and developed a mailing list with our partners to send a series of blast emails raising awareness about the event. OnSight led efforts to retain sponsors, engage conference participants and book keynote speakers featuring leaders in conservation and youth engagement. OnSight’s team developed event signage, including credentials and tickets; managed ticketing and registration; managed all event logistics; and produced a video to promote the Inspire Initiative which premiered at the Summit.

Event credentials


OnSight also produced a logo and a web site to promote the event and update attendees about scheduling and logistics, as well as event signage to direct traffic the day of the event.

The Outdoors Summit web site home page


The Outdoors Summit web site speakers listing page


The Outdoors Summit web site transportation options page


The day-long event was held at DaVita’s world headquarters in Denver and attended by nearly 1,000 people, and featured speakers ranging from Former Secretary of State Ken Salazar, Governor Hickenlooper, DaVita CEO Kent Thiry, and a variety of outdoor education and conservation leaders. Breakout sessions were moderated by experts in outdoor education, government affairs, conservation, and urban planning, and included topics ranging from The Value of the Outdoors to Colorado Businesses to Engaging Urban Youth.


In partnership with Felt Soul Media, OnSight produced a video highlighting GOCO’s mission, Colorado’s spectacular natural assets, and highlighting the need for Colorado kids to connect with the outdoors.


The event featured a lunch-time field trip to one of GOCO’s flagship projects, Johnson Habitat Park along the Platte River.


Working with Great Outdoors Colorado and the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, OnSight helped plan and run The Outdoors Summit, a 1-day conference of national and state leaders, advocates and visionaries launching new initiatives to protect, preserve and enhance Colorado’s great outdoors. The Summit was an integral piece of the launch of GOCO’s Inspire Initiative, a $25 million public funding initiative to help kids get outdoors.


The Outdoors Summit was an unprecedented gathering of national and state leaders, advocates and visionaries launching new initiatives to protect, preserve and enhance Colorado’s great outdoors, and to close the widening gap between our youth and nature that threatens their future and the future of Colorado’s way of life and outdoor brand.


OnSight’s team, along with partners at GOCO and the Governor’s office, built the event’s web site and developed a mailing list with our partners to send a series of blast emails raising awareness about the event. OnSight led efforts to retain sponsors, engage conference participants and book keynote speakers featuring leaders in conservation and youth engagement. OnSight’s team developed event signage, including credentials and tickets; managed ticketing and registration; managed all event logistics; and produced a video to promote the Inspire Initiative which premiered at the Summit.


The day-long event was held at DaVita’s world headquarters in Denver and attended by nearly 1,000 people, and featured speakers ranging from Former Secretary of State Ken Salazar, Governor Hickenlooper, DaVita CEO Kent Thiry, and a variety of outdoor education and conservation leaders. Breakout sessions were moderated by experts in outdoor education, government affairs, conservation, and urban planning, and included topics ranging from The Value of the Outdoors to Colorado Businesses to Engaging Urban Youth. The event also featured a lunch-time field trip to one of GOCO’s flagship projects, Johnson Habitat Park along the Platte River.