500 Scientists Infographic
500 Scientists Infographic
Client: 500 Women Scientists
Date: January 2017
Project: Infographics showing the genesis and growth of the 500 Women Scientists campaign.
See other logo examples

Client: 500 Women Scientists
Date: January 2017
Project: Infographics showing the genesis and growth of the 500 Women Scientists campaign.
Client: Let Colorado Vote
Date: November 2016
Project: Infographics built to report on Let Colorado Vote campaign results.
Client: Yes on 1A for DIA
Date: October 2015
Project: Graphic illustrating the connected central location and capacity of Denver International Airport.
Client: Keep Colorado Local
Date: August, 2015
Project: Infographic explaining the connection between Colorado’s craft beer industry and its independently owned liquor stores.
Client: Perlmutter for Colorado
Date: March 2015
Project: Infographic illustrating the president’s budget priorities for use on social media