Interesting stuff we’re doing.

Have you seen these?

Have you seen these?

Make no mistake: smoking is a deadly addiction that kills more Coloradans than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined. For decades, tobacco companies have successfully lured kids into a lifelong addiction, even though one in three...

Big Tobacco is at it again

Big Tobacco is at it again

Big tobacco is at it again, spending millions to push out a campaign of deceit. The tobacco industry has purchased nearly $7.7 million of television and radio time for commercials in Colorado to divert attention from the purpose of Amendment 72, which is to save...

Have you heard the news?

Have you heard the news?

We’re on the ballot! The Colorado Secretary of State has approved our petitions for the November ballot. Now the hard work begins. We need to stay strong in our resolve if we're going to win this campaign. While we haven’t seen any organized opposition from the...

Isaac Slade at the Great Divide Brewery

Isaac Slade at the Great Divide Brewery

What’s better than brews and great live music? We had both earlier this summer at a campaign fundraiser for Let Colorado Vote. Isaac Slade, lead singer of The Fray, headlined the event at the Great Divide Brewery in Denver, giving a wonderful intimate performance,...

Introducing the Peak Pedalers

Introducing the Peak Pedalers

The 31st annual Ride the Rockies race starts Sunday in Carbondale and OnSight Public Affairs will be there, pedaling, taking photos, managing social media and sharing stories. We love this partnership, now in its third year, with the Denver Post Community Foundation...