by OnSight | Jul 2016 | Beer, Elections, Let Colorado Vote

Like Isaac Slade says: “The caucus system is old fashioned, and we have outgrown it, and we’re ready to join the national conversation for something better.”
What’s better than brews and great live music? We had both earlier this summer at a campaign fundraiser for Let Colorado Vote. Isaac Slade, lead singer of The Fray, headlined the event at the Great Divide Brewery in Denver, giving a wonderful intimate performance, including one song un-mic’d. The Denver native talked about why he loves Colorado and why he supports the Let Colorado Vote initiatives, which seek to increase participation in primary elections in Colorado. Thanks to the folks at Great Divide for hosting the event. We’ll be doing more to get the word out about the initiatives as we get closer to the election. See a video of Isaac on the Let Colorado Vote Facebook page and learn more about the campaign here.
by OnSight | Mar 2016 | Beer, BIkes
After two years of hard work, race organizers are opening up registration for the Golden Giddyup next Tuesday, March 29th. The Giddyup will be an end-of-season celebration of all things mountain bike on the Front Range, and the event has been built with that goal in mind, and will feature bikes, beers, bites, and – obviously – a petting zoo, among other entertainments.

The event organizers’ deal with JeffCo Open Space is pretty simple: Giddyup riders and supporters make 600 hours of trail work happen this summer and in return Jeffco Open Space will close their trails for the first time in their 40+ year history for the event. Proceeds from the race will be invested back into Jeffco trails. Organizers are focusing their stewardship on three parks: Apex, Chimney, and North Table Mountain. Take a minute, check your calendar, and let the organizers know when you can pick up a shovel or a rake to put a few hours into shaping the trails in your backyard. It’s cross-training at its best!
The event has hit its 600 hour goal the past two summers thanks to the leadership of guys like Al Head, Giddyup Stewardship Commander. And with new partners like the ColoRowdies on board, it is sure to hit and exceed its goals this summer. There are Park Coordinators for each park, and each park has a team of dedicated volunteers – learn more and sign up to #shapewhatyoushred here.
When registration is opened next week you’ll see there are three events rolled into one: individual loops on NTM and Chimpex (Chimney and Apex), as well as a full course combining the two. And the race format is what is lovingly being called an Endurondo.
Since this is the event’s first year and organizers don’t know how many riders to expect, there will be do two waves of registration starting on March 29th and on April 19th.

For those that make it into the first wave, it’s gonna cost you less. So don’t dilly dally, get online and register for the best event on two wheels Golden has ever seen.
Got questions? We’ve got answers here.

by OnSight | Oct 2015 | Beer, Keep Colorado Local

Our intrepid team of Pretzel Ambassadors were canvassing outside GABF to make sure atendees’ snacking needs were met before they headed inside! We offered pretzels and beer coupons for a chance to talk to people who care about craft culture and get them to sign up for our email list or join us on social media.
As we prepped for this year’s Great American Beer Festival, the Keep Colorado Local campaign thought, “What can we do to jump start conversations with people who care about beer?”
Our pockets aren’t nearly as deep as those of the out-of-state chains that are trying to change Colorado’s liquor laws, but we do know a thing or two about GABF (In fact, more than 50 KCL member breweries poured their product at this year’s festival. And a bunch won awards, too!).
So we decided we couldn’t spring for t-shirts, Lederhosen or other schwag, but we could help attendees accessorize. As a way to engage with festival-goers and get them looped in to the campaign, we gave out hundreds of free pretzel necklaces over the three days of GABF.
It was a fun, high-visibility effort that led to hundreds of new email sign ups, a lot of positive interactions with people who care about our issue, and put a lot of smiles on strangers’ faces, to boot.
by OnSight | Mar 2015 | Beer, Graphics, Keep Colorado Local, Press and Media, Print Communications
You’ve heard of shopping local, but voting local might be next.
In March, over 100 Coloradans from craft breweries, local vineyards, distillers, and local businesses got together at a local liquor store. No, that’s not the start of a joke. It’s the start of an effort called Keep Colorado Local.
The Keep Colorado Local coalition represents over 1,000 local businesses. These independent businesses joined the Keep Colorado Local campaign to fight out-of-state corporations and keep them from changing our liquor laws and allowing chain stores to sell alcohol. OnSight is proud to build this effort and grow a coalition to defend local businesses, preserve public safety, and protect Colorado’s craft culture.
These local businesses are working on this issue together, because it could be on your ballot sometime soon. Out-of-state corporations are gearing up for a ballot measure in the 2016 election, and Colorado businesses aren’t wasting any time to spread the word about the dangers of alcohol sales in chain stores.
The Keep Colorado Local campaign keeps the focus on the businesses, people, and Colorado culture that would be hurt. As many as 700 local stores would be put out of business, and we’d lose over 10,000 jobs. Our craft selection would be completely watered down, and the small brewery or distiller would lose out on shelf space because chain stores prioritize mass-produced products. Alcohol in chain stores would also mean easy availability for minors to steal or illegally buy alcohol.
Onsight is building a strategic campaign to share this message online, in businesses and in the news:

Homepage features quick links and key messaging.
Web Site
The Keep Colorado Local web site features a dynamic homepage with a mobile-friendly layout. The online home of Keep Colorado Local is designed to feature key information and house an expanding archive of stories, voices, testimonials, videos and tools for supporters as the campaign grows. Check it out and sign up for updates at
Social Media
The Keep Colorado Local social media hubs work seamlessly with our web site, encouraging readers to move in between our online portals, learn more and share our content with their friends.
Testimonials from business owners, for example, are featured on “The Culture” section of the web site with buttons to make sharing that content on social media as easy as possible. These testimonials are also featured in our social media posts, encouraging readers to visit the website and view more.
You can stay up-to-date with Keep Colorado Local and our coalition partners on Facebook, Twitter and our email updates.
Print Collateral
From stickers to palm cards, table tents to coasters, bottle-hangers to window clings, and much more, OnSight is providing coalition partners with the visibility tools they need to spread the word and grow our Keep Colorado Local team.
 Point of sale and outreach materials available for download and order on the KCL web site.
 Custom banners and point-of-sale signage |
 Outreach collateral materials |
 Bottle tags.
Over 100 people from local businesses gathered at Argonaut Liquors in Denver to launch Keep Colorado Local and deliver a clear, united message: alcohol sales in chain store would harm local businesses, Colorado’s economy, and our craft culture.
Onsight works to facilitate communication with the press and ensure that the Keep Colorado Local coalition’s efforts are in the news:
Fox31: Liquor stores, brewers join forces to keep alcohol sales out of grocery stores (video)
Liquor store owners and breweries are joining forces to fight an expected ballot proposal that would allow supermarkets in the state to sell alcohol. The store owners and breweries are calling their campaign “Keep Colorado Local” as a way to keep alcohol sales out of big-store supermarkets.
Durango Herald: Beer and wine in grocery stores? Brewers, vintners, distillers and liquor store owners oppose effort
Brewers, distillers, liquor store owners and vintners are not toasting a proposed ballot initiative that would allow the sale of beer and wine in grocery stores. They stood together at a news conference Thursday at Argonaut Wine and Liquor in Denver where the Keep Colorado Local coalition expressed concerns about the initiative led by larger retailers.
Denver Business Journal: Opposition launches campaign against full-strength beer sales at grocery stores (video)
Colorado’s first ballot-issue battle of 2016 is underway, and it is about beer.
A coalition led by the Colorado Brewers Guild and the Colorado Licensed Beverage Association kicked off the “Keep Colorado Local” campaign on Thursday, hoping to defeat or avert a potential ballot measure that would allow grocery stores to sell full-strength beer and wine.
For the last few years, Colorado craft breweries and their allies at local liquor stores have worked on convincing state lawmakers to keep grocery and convenience stores from being allowed to sell full-strength beer, wine and booze. Now these small and medium-sized businesses are cracking open a consumer campaign in advance of a possible effort by the supermarket chains to take their case directly to voters in 2016.
by OnSight | Apr 2014 | Beer, Press and Media, Print Communications
Earlier this month, OnSight assisted Anheuser-Busch and the Anheuser-Busch Foundation in hosting a press conference to announce a $250,000 gift to Colorado State University’s Fermentation Science and Technology program in Fort Collins. This program, launched in the fall of 2013, is the first of its kind in the region, and only third in the nation. Anheuser-Busch has worked to foster a partnership with the department since its development with in-classroom visits, an inside-look at the brewery, and now this sizable donation.
Despite some uncooperative weather, CSU students, faculty, regional public figures and Anheuser-Busch employees joined us for the conference at the A-B Brewery in Fort Collins and enjoyed snacks and beers after the check presentation.
Here’s a roundup of key coverage from the event:
FORT COLLINS – The Anheuser-Busch Foundation today donated $250,000 to Colorado State University’s Fermentation Science and Technology program, to fund the renovation of academic space and the hands-on lab at CSU.
A bachelor’s degree program in Fermentation Science and Technology was launched in 2013 as part of the school’s department of Food Science and Human Nutrition in the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Brewing giant donates $250,000 to help improve academic, lab space for the fledgling Fermentation Science and Technology program.
The gift will fund the renovation of academic space and the hands-on lab at CSU. Before a crowd of university and local officials, representatives from the brewery emphasized Anheuser-Busch’s commitment to community involvement, and praised the accomplishments of the university and its new program.
The Anheuser-Busch Foundation has announced that it will donate $250,000 to CSU’s new Fermentation Science and Technology program.
“Anheuser-Busch and Colorado State University have a shared commitment to excellence and the desire to always keep moving forward,” Kevin Fahrenkrog, general manager of A-B’s Fort Collins brewery, said in an email. “We’re excited to extend our community partnership and look forward to sharing additional details next week.”